Vulnerability NFTs and the $ziot Ecosystem

5 min readApr 6, 2021


Now that the $ziot project has launched and the vulnerability app has been created, we move forward with minting the first set of vulnerability NFTs.

The first project with $ziot is to mint NFTs that contain vulnerability write-ups and disclosures. These NFTs are sold for Ethereum or $ziot coin on Opensea. Part of the proceeds then go back into the $ziot LP.

Starting on 4/9/21, the first 6 NFTs will be minted and sold on the $ziot NFT collection on OpenSea.

Read the article for more info!

Introducing, the First Edition of the Vulnerability NFTs:

Credits: The announcement and vulnerability NFT First Edition art was done by YuurinBee

Each NFT gives you access to a unique full write-up of a resolved vulnerability and the original report that was sent to the project or company. Most of these reports stem from bug bounty, others entirely from independent security research.

Vuln NFTs

The Vuln NFT specs are comprised of the following attributes:

  • Rarity: Legendary, Rare, Common: This indicates how epic the vulnerability is, how difficult the target is, and/or how much information is in the write-up.
  • Type: The type of vulnerability, such as a Remote Code Execution, SQL Injection, IDOR, etc.
  • Edition: For now, there is only the First Edition set. This will be used for future editions, one-offs, and collaboration with other projects.

Vulns App & Sample Write-up

All of the reports are accessible on the application. You connect via web3 using Metamask and signing a message to verify your wallet.

Once you have done this, you will be able to view your write-ups for any of the vulnerability NFTs that you own.

A sample report is accessible to everyone on the application so you can see what type of information will be in each write-up.

The Vulnerability NFTs — First Edition

Each NFT art is tied to the Edition and Rarity attributes.

The First Edition of the vulnerability NFTs will be 18 total NFTs.

  • 3x Legendary
  • 6x Rares
  • 9x Commons

These will be sold in sets of 3, with the first set (1 Legendary, 2 Rares, 3 Commons) being sold on 4/9/21 on Opensea in the $ziot collection.

$ziot coin now on OpenSea!

$ziot has been enabled for use on Opensea by collection owners. That means the first vuln NFT sale will be a mix of $ziot and Ethereum.

The NFTs will be sold in a bid style system with minimums:

  • 1x Legendary — 0.5 Eth Starting Bid
  • 1x Rare — 0.2 Eth Starting Bid
  • 1x Rare — x $ziot Starting Bid (0.2 Eth worth at time of listing)
  • 2x Commons — x $ziot Starting Bid (0.1 Eth worth at time of listing)
  • 1x Common — 0.1 Eth Starting Bid

50% of the $ziot and Ethereum earned from the NFTs that sell will be placed back into the ziot LP.

Future Utility of the Vuln NFTs

Right now the vulnerability NFTs sole purpose is to give access and ownership of vulnerability write-ups. Going forward, we will find ways to incorporate interesting ways for vuln NFTs holders to get access that may otherwise require $ziot coin or $ziot coin group tiers.

$ziot Ecosystem

The goal of this project is two-fold. First, create incentives for owning and holding $ziot coin. Second, finding ways to inject money back into the $ziot LP. The current ecosystem looks like the following:

Current Incentives

  • Percentage of bug bounty payouts and vulnerability NFT sales go back into the $ziot LP to increase the value.
  • Access to bid on and purchase NFTs that are exclusively listed for $ziot. This is currently limited to only vuln NFTs, but will expand to more in the future.
  • Custom Discord roles based on how much $ziot you hold with access to custom channels.

$ziot Roles

  • [100 coin] Hodler: You are invited to the $ziot hodlers Discord channel to discuss, share and engage with the $ziot HackerSpace community.
  • [1,337 coin] Puzzler: The minimum amount required to access future puzzles and challenges.
  • [10,000 coin] Degen: A handful of vulnerabilities will be minted as NFTs and locked behind a de facto paywall; however, the majority of vulnerabilities discovered not sold as NFTs will be freely shared with community members who have attained the Degen tier or higher.
  • [50,000 coin] Insider: You get access to information about the vulnerability NFTs before they are minted, as well as previews of the vulnerability NFT art before it is published.
  • [133,700 coin] Hacker: You get access to a private Discord channel where ziot will share information about his ongoing security research and bug bounty hunting. He will also work with you to help getting started with bug bounty and/or improving your bug bounty hunting.

Future Incentives:

So the question going forward is, how do we expand on this? Here are some of the ideas we are currently exploring:

  • An educational framework with exercises/labs that is updated once a month. Access is tiered and certain labs/sections are accessible based on holding a vuln NFT or meeting certain $ziot coin role requirements. An example of this would be a course that covers common smart contract and blockchain security vulnerabilities with interactive labs.
  • A Bug Bounty 101 book that is a quick start guide for finding vulnerabilities. The book would be periodically updated. Access to book is an NFT only purchasable with $ziot.


Keep up with the $ziot project at the following:

Join the Discord Community

With over 450+ members, we have a growing community of security and crypto enthusiasts. Come hang out and discuss the future of crypto, NFTs, bug bounty, and security.

As we expand $ziot more towards an educational platform in the future, there will be new channels to share security knowledge and learn from others.




Written by ziotcoin

The official information portal for $ziot and vuln NFTs. Run by ziotcoin llc

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